Some dogs love to play, and some dogs are more reserved. Some dogs love to interact with other dogs, and some could care less about their fellow canines. With all of these variables in our dogs’ personalities, you might be wondering if daycare is good for dogs in Canal Winchester, OH. The answer is almost unequivocally yes.

Dogs are by nature social creatures. They live and hunt in packs in the wild, and domesticated dogs have learned to crave attention from humans as a way to survive. They are remarkably adaptable animals, but still have their basic needs for food, shelter and community.

There are many reasons why dog daycare in Canal Winchester, OH can be good for your pet. Here are just a few of them.


Dogs naturally want to be around other dogs, so if you see one acting aggressively toward their fellow canines, it may be a sign that they did not have a lot of socialization with other dogs growing up. By allowing your dog to have off-leash time to interact naturally with other dogs, it normalizes the activity and leads to less anxiety in similar situations in the future. It’s important to keep this socialization happening consistently to reinforce and normalize being comfortable around other dogs (not to mention other people).

Learning to speak dog

If your dog doesn’t spend a lot of time around other dogs, it may be hard for them to pick up on the subtle social cues dogs use to communicate. Sometimes it can be too obvious to ignore, like a growl or a bark, but other times a dog won’t know what to do if another dog is trying to play. It may also be confusing for an unsocialized dog to tell the difference between just saying “hello” and a warning bark that says “stay away.” In short, allowing your dog to have playtime at a dog daycare is important for them to learn to “speak dog.”


You can also think of dog daycare as being like a gym for your dog. It’s a place where they can get some exercise, burn off some excess energy and make sure their muscles and joints stay in good working order. For many of us, even if we take our dog on a run, odds are we will get tired before the dog does. For this reason, it can be beneficial for your dog to have a place to get all of their energy out without burning you out as well.

Time off for you

We may not always like to admit it, but having a dog can be a lot of work—especially when we’re working from home and the dog is asking to be played with or taken out every hour. Dog day care can be a break for you as much as it can be a treat for your dog. It’s a real win-win scenario.

Contact Lucky Bones Pet Resort today for more information about our dog daycare in Canal Winchester, OH.