Why and How to Train an Older Dog

Think you can’t teach an old dog new tricks? The opposite is actually the case, and dog owners should always keep training their pups as they mature. Older dogs are much easier to train than curious, rambunctious puppies, and training throughout a dog’s adult years...

How Often Should You Groom Your Dog?

Both new and long-time dog owners often struggle with sticking to a regular schedule for dog grooming. While all dogs need their nails trimmed at least once a month (in addition to daily tooth brushing), the breed of dog you own largely determines the amount of time...

What Is Kennel Cough?

We love our pets, and we hate the thought of them getting sick. Unfortunately, there are many viruses and bacteria out there that can make our dogs and cats ill. One of the most common illnesses dogs face is kennel cough, also known as canine infectious...

How Lawn Treatments Can Affect Your Dogs

Dogs love playing in the grass, but there are some risks that come with all this playing when lawns are treated with certain chemicals. When dogs play in the grass, they often roll around, sniff the ground and even eat the grass, so any harmful chemicals can pose a...