Are you a Canal Winchester, OH resident wondering, “Why should I fix my dog?” There are many reasons, actually. Most prominently, spaying and neutering are simple surgeries that will prevent your pet from becoming pregnant or impregnating another animal. Even if there aren’t any other dogs in your area, it’s still a good idea to have your pet spayed or neutered. Getting your dog fixed comes with many benefits, including the fact that it can help prevent diseases like testicular cancer.

Plenty of local veterinarians provide spay and neuter services in the Canal Winchester, OH area. Do plenty of research before deciding on the right vet for your animal. If you need help finding a great vet, reach out to friends or consult with a local dog trainer for recommendations.

Helps with behavioral issues

Having your dog fixed can help with a number of behavioral issues. A male dog that hasn’t been neutered, for example, will probably urinate all over the place to mark his territory. Female dogs have been known to do this as well. Spaying or neutering your animal could calm their urge to urinate as a means of marking territory.

Female dogs often try to roam when they are in heat. Having them spayed could prevent your female dog from trying to escape and find a mate. Fixed dogs also have less of an urge to mount other animals and objects. Once you’ve had your pets fixed, consider enrolling them in a dog training program to help control other behavioral issues.

Prevents certain diseases

There are some diseases that fixed dogs are at less of a risk for. When it comes to male dogs, having them neutered can help prevent diseases like testicular and pancreatic cancer. Fixed female dogs are also less prone to certain illnesses, including uterine infections. These diseases can result in expensive vet bills, so having your animal fixed could actually help save you money over the long term.

Prevents dogs from going into heat

It’s hard to deal with a pet that’s in heat. They always want to go outside, and will sometimes bleed. The best way of preventing this is by having your pets fixed. This will make them more comfortable and will help prevent certain behavioral issues.

When to have your dogs fixed

The time during which you should have your dog fixed all depends on their adult size. Small dog breeds weigh less than 45 pounds as an adult and require neutering and/or spaying earlier than large dog breeds.

It’s important to have small female dogs spayed before they are five months old, as this is when they usually start going into heat. Neuter your small male dogs at around six months of age. The age range at which large dog breed neutering should occur is somewhere between nine and 15 months of age. For females, spaying should occur after five months, but before 15 months.

All Canal Winchester, OH residents should spay or neuter their pets! Contact a local veterinarian to schedule an appointment.

If you’re in need of a professional dog groomer or boarding service, get in touch with Lucky Bones Pet Resort today!